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10 Most Popular Podcast Episodes Of All Time

Cover Image for 10 Most Popular Podcast Episodes Of All Time
  1. "The Alibi" from Serial - In this episode, Sarah Koenig investigates the alibi of Adnan Syed, the man convicted of murdering his ex-girlfriend Hae Min Lee.

  2. "The Body in the Pines" from Criminal - In this episode, Phoebe Judge tells the story of a grisly murder in the New Jersey Pine Barrens and the decades-long search for the killer.

  3. "The Giant Pool of Money" from This American Life - In this episode, Ira Glass and Adam Davidson explore the events leading up to the 2008 financial crisis, and how the housing bubble burst.

  4. "The Death of Socrates" from Revisionist History - In this episode, Malcolm Gladwell examines the trial and execution of the ancient philosopher, and questions whether Socrates really was the "gadfly" of Athens.

  5. "The Habit" from Freakonomics Radio - In this episode, Stephen Dubner and Steve Levitt explore the science of habit formation and how to break bad habits.

  6. "The One About the Economist and the Shrink" from Radiolab - In this episode, Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich tell the story of two men who tried to bridge the gap between economics and psychology.

  7. "The Color of Money" from 99% Invisible - In this episode, Roman Mars explores the history of money, and how the color green came to be associated with it.

  8. "The Secret Life of a Landfill" from Planet Money - In this episode, Stacey Vanek Smith and Alex Blumberg visit a landfill in New Jersey and learn about the surprisingly complex world of garbage disposal.

  9. "The Power of Vulnerability" from TED Radio Hour - In this episode, Brené Brown discusses the importance of vulnerability in our lives and how it can help us build stronger relationships and become our authentic selves.

  10. "The Return of the Moth" from The Moth - In this episode, a young woman tells the story of how she overcame a fear of flying and learned to embrace life's challenges.